OPPO has officially announced that it is going to launch Oppo F11 Pro on March 5 in India. This phone has a pop up selfie camera. Talking about the camera, the 38 megapixel  rear camera has been  given on the upcoming phone .  Apart from this supernight mood technology has been used to improve low light photography experience.

  According to the report this smartphone will be launched on March 5 only on flipkart. As of now we have very few details regarding the upcoming smartphone. It will have dual rear cameras on the back side. The LED flash is also included. The primary sensor of the phone will have a 48 megapixel sensor. The secondary primary camera is 5 megapixel.

      As far as performance is concerned , the smartphone will could sport Helio  P70 or P90 processor , and up to 6 GB of RAM . You can expect up to 128GB of external storage and additional  micro SD card slot on this phone.

   Taking about other features ,this phone
Will support the VOOC 3.0 fast charging system . This can charge your battery in just a few minutes. Over all it is a best phone .