The largest Electoral exercise in the world by far is election in India with a population of over 1.2 billion spread across 29 states and 7 Union territories having a direct bearing on their lives.  The whole world takes a keen Interest  when the Election are underway in the world's largest democracy.

  Importance of Election 

  Elections from the bedrock of the largest democracy in the world - India . Since independence ,as many as 15 Lok Sabha have been formed through election , the first one is held  in 1951-52 . The methodology  of election is through universal adult suffrage , where by every citizen of India over 18 years of age is an eligible voter in the eyes of the constitution , The importance of election is as follows : choice of leadership , change of leadership , political participation , self corrective system.

   The Constituent Assembly adopted the principle  of universal adult franchise as the main method of democratic representation in the  Lok Sabha  and in the state  Legislative Assemblies . The original article 325 , providing for adult suffrage fixed the age of eligibility to vote for elections to the Lok Sabha and Vidhan Sabhas,at 21 years ,but by the 62nd Amendment to this clause passed in 1989, it has been reduce to 18 years. The last Lok Sabha election was held 2014 and next will be held in 2019.