Player's Unknown Battle Grounds, abbreviated as PUBG ,has undoubtedly revolutionized the gaming world, PUBG mobile ,just launched a year ago has taken over all age of groups. The strategic game has created a lot of problems for the guardians recently which is why the government is planning to ban the game in the country. Due to adverse effects on people's personal and professional lives , state governments are taking dire action against the game with a couple and more seeking a complete ban.

   A few days ago, a child committed suicide as he was not provided with a mobile phone for playing PUBG . Other Games of a similar genre like Frotnite. A man deserted his pregnant wife and son as he spent most hours of the day playing PUBG. When I call a friend he did not recived because he is playing PUBG. Now days many couple's breakup is caused by this game.

  Anything and everything is done in an ex-cessive manner is always harmful. People should understand that these games are made for recreational purpose. Children should indulge in outdoor activities and sports football, cricket, badminton etc. so that they do not remain exposed to devises for a longer period of time and lead a balanced and healthy life.