President Trump declared a national emergency at the border of Friday to access billions of dollars to build a border wall that congress refused to give him , transforming a highly charged policy dispute into a fundamental confrontation over separation of powers.

   In a televised announcement in the Rose Garden, Mr Trump said he would sign the declaration to protect the country from the flow of drugs, criminals and illegal immigrants coming across the border from Mexico, which he characterized as a profound threat to national security.

   "We are going to confront the national security crisis in our southern border and we are going to do it one way or the other," he said it is an invasion , he added . We have an invasion of drugs and criminals coming into our country."

  The declaration will enable  Mr. Trump to divert 3.6 billion dollars budget for military construction project to the border wall . White House officials said Mr. Trump  will also use more traditional presidential budgetary discretion to tap 2.5 billion dollars counternarcotics programs and 600 million dollars from a treasury department asset forfeiture fund.